Utah Sunrise
Hello from Utah! I’m currently traveling through the amazing lands of Utah and took this photo of a glorious sunrise. As I watched the landscape change colors and light up as the sun rose, it
Hello from Utah! I’m currently traveling through the amazing lands of Utah and took this photo of a glorious sunrise. As I watched the landscape change colors and light up as the sun rose, it
Lately I’ve been more aware of the dance between planning life and being lived by life. Truth is we need both. I need my brain to plan a trip, book a flight and rent a
YOU BE YOU Any other tree lovers out there? I love trees and I spend lots of time in the woods hiking. The other day I was walking in the forest just behind our house
It’s December, often a busier time for many of us. I hope this will help you to take a wee moment to pause, catch a breath and play with some new mantras below. This week
Since the last blog about my dad, I’ve had more thoughts and questions arise: What if the person you want healing or grace with is no longer in your life? What if they are around
Five years ago today my dad passed. This is my last photo with him before he died from accute leukemia about a week later. I’ll never forget that last goodbye when he whispered ‘I’ll be
Lately, I have been playing with this idea of noticing. It’s pretty simple yet quite effective. I’m becoming more aware of how I can let my agenda or busy mind easily take me away from
This is my eldest sister Bets. She is one of my heroes. Thankfully, I was able to tell her that before she died, a year ago today. Bets had lots of challenges in her life.
“The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it
It’s Easter week so I’ve been thinking about Easter and the beliefs I was raised with. How I feel about it now and my ideas about it in my childhood have certainly changed. No matter
Today is International Women’s Day, I think this is one of the most important days of the year. Without women, none of us would even be here. So, this is HUGE shout out to women
What if we are only, ever, always okay? Does that even seem possible to you? I just finished reading a book called The Choice: Embracing Possibility by Edith Eva Eger. She was a Holocaust survivor who spent
Often in coaching, I mention the idea that when we see things differently, we tend to do them differently. In my Living Your Brilliance program we’ve been playing with this idea as well as a few
I was out for a walk a few days ago and noticed this heart on the road right by my driveway. Immediately I thought, “Look, there is love everywhere!” Even on a rainy day on
To my great delight, I recently saw a yearling bear on our property. Even after fifteen years of living here, it still feels like a gift. After the bear left I was thinking about him/her. A
Ever feel absolutely exhausted and then suddenly you find more energy? This photo is one of the amazing places I hiked to while on a trip to the Canadian Rockies last week. (Yes, hiking and
Does anyone relate to the above picture, stepping out into the unknown? I’m hearing lots of conversations full of unknowns- when are we going to be able to go back to some sense of normal,